Staying in Bergen

Travel tips What to do

      Travel tips

      Mar 28, 2019• by japon1minuto

      Japan's Capsule Hotels

      The capsule hotels are one of the things that we can only find in Japan. They are a type of hotel that arose with the need to stay to sleep near the stations, for a few hours, before taking a train...

      Mar 21, 2019• by italyperte

      7 reasons to book a luxury Villa in Tuscany

      7 Reasons to book a luxury Villa in Tuscany for your next holiday in Italy Do you know why holiday villa rentals are so successful in Tuscany? Because we need few reasons to persuade everyone about...

      Mar 16, 2019• by Budget_Bucket_List

      How to make the most of Transylvanian winter!

      There are many reasons to entirely deviate from your logical Romanian itinerary, just to visit Sibiu. One of them is that it’s an absolute treasure of a town, expressing everything that Romania...

      Things to know before booking your Airbnb

      The perfect get-away needs the perfect accommodation. Before you look for yours on a site like Airbnb or VRBO, be sure you’re ready to do your homework. These sites open up an amazing array...

      Mar 11, 2019• by Mike2207_

      London for repeaters - stay in Greenwich

      It took me some years of travel to London before I arrived at Greenwich. Before that I stayed in the city or in the north of London to be closer to the airport. However...

      Feb 1, 2019• by TravelAndTalk

      This may sound crazy but... don't take a phone or laptop

      Whenever I take a trip of any serious length I don't take a mobile phone or laptop with me. I just feel they are unnecessary. To elaborate... for one thing I love reading so getting through a couple...

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