Earn money with your travel tips

Triptipedia's monetization program allows travel writers to earn a commission on the revenue generated by their travel tips.

Write Awesome Travel Tips

Our readers love articles containing useful travel tips & practical information.

Share what you've learned during your own travels or everything you know about your hometown.

We Monetize your Articles

Once you submit a monetized travel tip, our team will look for partners interested by sponsoring it.

We'll then add relevant link(s) and / or a short paragraph about related services or products.

Earn a Commission

You earn a commission with every sale from your travel tips.

Once your balance reaches $50, you can request a payment from your user interface, with Paypal or wire transfer (IBAN)*.

* transfer charges may apply



A monetized travel tip needs to follow the usual guidelines plus a few requirements:

  • At least 1,000 words
  • At least 5 pictures, preferably your own but public domain pictures are accepted
  • Exclusive content: your travel tip must never have been published before
  • Great quality: excellent English and writing style
Walk away at any time

Walk Away at Any Time

Travel tips posted on Triptipedia still belong to you.

You are free to delete them (delete icon on your user interface) at any time and publish them somewhere else, no questions asked.

Where Does the Money Come From?

Monetized travel tips feature paying services (related to your content) that readers can buy/book.

We have several ways of monetizing a travel tip:

The way a travel tip is monetized can evolve over time, depending on its performance and the new opportunities we get.

Walk away at any time

Getting Started

Begin by writing a travel tip.

When you'll reach 1,000 words, a checkbox will appear in the preview: monetize this travel tip, check it before submitting your travel tip.

Any Questions?

If you need more details before getting started, feel free to contact us