Apr 5, 2024• by Crazytravelwoman123
I took my second solo trip this year to Liverpool. I arrived late Friday afternoon and stayed in the School Lane Hotel. This was a fantastic hotel and was very central. Once organised I went on an...
Feb 28, 2024• by gentianagjyshka
There is no way to see and experience everything in London in a single day because it is such a large metropolis. Everything is doable if you have a 24-hour stopover in London, with the obvious...
Dec 17, 2023• by Crazytravelwoman123
I love London, especially London at Christmas! I spent the weekend based in Peckham but travelled far considering only two nights with only one full day. On the first evening we arrived, we stayed...
Nov 22, 2023• by Crazytravelwoman123
In October I took my first solo trip for two nights. I chose London as I have been here a number of times and felt like I would know the city well enough to travel around by myself. There were a...
What is your best advice for
traveling in England?
Beautiful seaside Guest House in the heart of sunny Southsea
Quirky and Very Comfortable Manor House B&B in Northumberland