What's a travel tip?
A travel tip is a post sharing advice or important information that travelers might find useful. You can find examples on the travel tips page.
Who writes travel tips on Triptipedia?
Travel tips are written by locals, travelers, tourism professionals or official tourism departments. Anyone with travel advice to share is welcome to contribute.
Can I write a tip on Triptipedia? What are the requirements?
Anyone can write a tip on Triptipedia. There are no requirements regarding the author, only regarding the content of your travel tip. Read our contribute page for more information.
Who owns the travel tip once it's published on Triptipedia?
You do. Our terms of use state that you give us the right to use it (to display it on the website for instance), but it's still yours. You are free to delete your travel tips at any time from your account ( icon), no question asked.
What is the minimum word count for a tip?
The minimum is 200 words and 1 picture.
Why should I share travel tips on Triptipedia?
You'll get a public profile where you can share your website and social media with our community. You also have the option to monetize your travel tips.
How many tips can I write?
As many as you want, there is no limit, as long as your tip contains actual advice and follows the guidelines.
Will you feature me on social media?
We share all published travel tips on Twitter and Pinterest. We share the best pictures on Instagram.
Do I need to pay to submit a travel tip?
No, contributing to Triptipedia is free. If you wish to advertise with a sponsored travel tip, please contact us.
Am I paid to write a travel tip?
Exclusive travel tips can be monetized.
What's an exclusive travel tip?
It's a travel tip that's new and that has never been published elsewhere.
How do I write a travel tip on Triptipedia?
If you don't already have an account, click on the "Join" button on the menu to create one. Then click on "Write a tip" and start writing.
How do I add categories/tags to my travel tip?
Tags are automatically added during moderation, you don't have to do anything yourself. If you wish to give us suggestions, click on "Suggest tags" before submitting your travel tip.
How do I add a table of contents to my travel tip?
The moderator will add one if necessary, we explain more in this blog post.
My English is not very good, can I still write a travel tip?
Yes, a moderator will fix noticeable mistakes for you.
I just submitted a tip, why is it not on the website yet?
To fight spam, tips must be reviewed by a moderator. This process usually takes less than 24 hours.
Do I need an image or a picture to create a tip?
Yes, we require at least 1 picture for each travel tip. If you don't have any pictures, you can use the following resources to find public domain ones:
Can I re-use my own blog posts on Triptipedia?
Yes you can, as long as you are the original author. Unless you want to monetize it, we don't require exclusive content.
Can I write a travel tip on a similar topic of an existing one?
Yes, your point of view and opinions on an existing topic / place are welcome.
Someone submitted content (text or image) that's mine, how do I get it taken down?
To report a copyright infringement, please refer to our dedicated page.