Staying in Bergen

Travel tips What to do

      Travel tips

      Sep 29, 2020• by PassportReverie

      London On A Budget

      London is on many people's bucket lists for travel, yet it's one of the most expensive cities in the world. So is it possible to travel to London on a modest budget? Absolutely. I have been to London...

      Sep 29, 2020• by Voyage_the_World

      20 Days in Benelux: Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg

      Benelux, the name for Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg is an amazing place. It's full of history, scenery, and lots of fun. This is a 20 day itinerary exploring the very best of...

      Sep 26, 2020• by enriquetrips

      How to Travel to Mexico on the Cheap

      Many people think they need to spend a fortune to travel. However, the reality is it's not necessary to break your bank. Yes, you will definitely need to save some money, but it may be way less than...

      Sep 26, 2020• by jetlaggedpals

      5.5 Tips for Visiting Moraine Lake, Alberta

      Moraine Lake is one of the most iconic spots in Canada, just 15 minutes away from Lake Louise. Known for its mountains, waterfalls and blue water this lake has since become a popular spot for...

      Sep 15, 2020• by MachameRoute

      Accommodation on Kilimanjaro's Machame Route

      Climbing via Kilimanjaro Machame route, climbers will be lodging in tents to the specialized camping sites. Depending of the number of Climbing days via the popular Machame route that ranges from...

      Sep 8, 2020• by Tapas_Wanderlust

      Strolling Down the Streets of Scintillating Sydney

      This city of sunshine and sandy beaches is not all about Sydney Harbour Bridge or iconic Opera House. There is always a pulsating, vibrant life in its core which you cannot miss. Sydney is a...

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