Joined Nov 2019
Travel tips
I'm Taro from Initia Japanese Cooking Class. I teach how to cook Japanese home-meal with my mom, Miyoko. Since I love knowing different culture and people, I studied in a University in the U.S., but it wasn’t enough for me and I traveled to Africa and South America while studying abroad. When I was traveling I noticed that homemade local food is quite different from food at restaurants, including the atmosphere and preparation. Cooking with local people, having conversation while eating—this is what makes the time more valuable. Of course, I got to know many aspects of their lives by talking. Exposing myself to the local life became one of my best memories in the trip. I would like to share the experience—but this time, as a host. When you travel, sometimes you don’t get the opportunities to talk and ask local people questions. So, I’m here to enrich your experience.
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