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Travel tips Where to stay What to do

      Travel tips

      Mar 27, 2021• by caitkontalis

      Coolest Places to Visit in Miami: Wyndwood Walls

      Where gritty and the heart meet. The Wynwood community in the heart of Miami is home to the Wynwood Walls outdoor art exhibit. The admission fee is $10 but is 110% worth the extra cash. The...

      Mar 22, 2021• by CarlsonGetaways

      Better Than a Rental Car!

      Whenever we travel, there's always the question of “should we get a rental car?” We used to always rent from the usual airport rental car companies but since COVID happened, many rental car...

      Mar 15, 2021• by TravelLightLaura

      Spring Thaw Pedal (Michigan)

      Drip…. Drip…. Drip…. I am in my office, tapping keys to the rhythm of the snowmelt dripping off the roof and soaking into the saturated ground. The birds are back, too, even Mr. and Mrs...

      Mar 13, 2021• by caitkontalis

      Best Places to Visit in Phoenix, AZ: Desert Botanical Garden

      Every time I Googled “What to do in Phoenix” the Desert Botanical Garden popped up – so I knew I had to give it a try! While the Desert Botanical Garden provided entry, all opinions are my...

      Feb 19, 2021• by caitkontalis

      How to Visit the Versace Mansion in Miami Beach, Florida

      You don't have to be a millionaire. Miami Beach: Art Deco, beautiful people, golden sand – and Versace. If you're an American Crime story nerd you've probably watched the excellent Netflix...

      Feb 15, 2021• by DynamicDenise

      Favorite Florida Space Coast Activities

      Really. I know what I'm talking about. This post comes from over a decade of visiting Florida's Atlantic shoreline, including vacations in Ormond Beach, Daytona Beach, Cocoa Beach, and...

      Where to stay

      Beautiful Historic Home in Brooksville, Florida

      $130 - $150 / 2 
      Brooksville, United States
      Bed and breakfast

      More details 

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      What to do

      NYC Bridge and River Bicycle Tour

      From $69 / person
      New York City, USA
      3 hours

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