Jun 26, 2020• by nikagestoso10
Thailand is the best country when it comes to offer a variety of places, temples, beaches... One of them is Phuket. I never imagined that I'll be able to see the beauty of Phuket. I booked my flight...
Jun 20, 2020• by alimissima
Traveling can be addictive and honestly, I go crazy about almost every place I visit but this island blew my mind! I suspect there are a few reasons to it - It is small, yet super lively; it has...
Jun 11, 2020• by wasatch
Prague Restaurant: U Bila Krava
In three trips to Prague, we have probably eaten six times at U Bila Krava (At the White Cow). U Bila Krava is a French steak house, serving grass raised organic meat from Charolais cattle. EU beef...
May 31, 2020• by wasatch
Not Budget Travel in the EU: Eating
The average income of US tourists flying out of the country is $109,000 per year. Depending on family size, the Pew Research Center puts the start of an upper class income at $78,000-175,000. The...
May 23, 2020• by Anaseastheday
Seville’s charms put a spell on me, and who would I be to keep this charming and seducing city unknown to my dear readers? After my recent travel blog about Seville, this is a more practical guide...
May 19, 2020• by Anaseastheday
Triple Travel Guide: Barcelona
Welcome to another triple travel guide, dear salty souls. In this guide, I list the top three recommendations to visit, taste and to stay at. This time, it’s the turn of Barcelona. You might have...
Youth Hostel transformed from a bathhouse near Osaka Castle