Nov 22, 2018• by Uncharted_Earth_Adventure_Travel
How to Crush Your Colombian Hiking Adventure
It’s always fun to get outdoorsy when you’re visiting a new country —especially when your daily regime consists of a 9-5 desk job. But when it comes to booking a stellar hiking adventure, there...
Nov 17, 2018• by Camotrek
3 Essential Tips for High Altitude Hiking
High altitude hiking is a unique experience that has its advantages, however, it’s a risky activity that brings all kinds of environments from extreme cold to extreme heat. Anyone who dares to...
Nov 16, 2018• by Ryder_Walker_Alpine_Adventures
Seven Most Challenging Adventure Treks
Every hiker knows that the most rewarding hikes are paired with the greatest effort. Whether it is following the rugged cairn-marked trails across Iceland’s moonscape or climbing to the heights...
Nov 2, 2018• by Ryder_Walker_Alpine_Adventures
5 Reasons to Hike Around Germany’s Highest Peak, the Zugspit
You’ll also experience two equally famous alpine regions, Bavaria and the Tyrol. The hike begins in Bavaria, Bayern as it’s known in Germany, then crosses the border into the Austrian Tyrol...
Oct 3, 2018• by Ryder_Walker_Alpine_Adventures
Every day is a new adventure. The Alps remain a source of constant interest, in some ways a muse, in others a place of peace and relaxation. Spending a summer in the Alps is a view into a...
Sep 20, 2018• by Ryder_Walker_Alpine_Adventures
Visit the Geological Wonders of the American Southwest
Throughout our planet some of the most sensational achievements have not been built by architects or even sculpted by artists. In our natural world, from sandstone mountains in Central Europe to...