Hiking in Telluride

Travel tips What to do

      Travel tips

      Jan 15, 2019• by FitlifeandTravel

      Visiting Zion National Park On A Busy Holiday Weekend

      From the moment you approach the area of Zion National Park you will SAY “WOW!” You are surrounded by a magnificent maze of wonder everywhere you turn. And if you are folks like us, we have to...

      Dec 27, 2018• by Ryder_Walker_Alpine_Adventures

      Ten Reasons to do the Scottish Highlands Hike

      There’s a reason that so many films and television programs feature Scotland. The place is frickin’ gorgeous! Just do a quick google search for ‘films set in Scotland’ and you’ll see...

      Dec 10, 2018• by Budget_Bucket_List

      Multi-Day Hiking Packing List

      MULTI DAY HIKING PACKING LIST FOR WARM CLIMATE Two changes of clothes, clothing items depending on weather: Wearing one set for two days, one clean pair for the other two... yes you’re gonna...

      Dec 1, 2018• by Ryder_Walker_Alpine_Adventures

      Traveling to Patagonia: The Lakes District

      Patagonia is a region of commanding wilderness. Famous for its glaciated Andean peaks, inland lakes, and large dormant volcanoes. Patagonia has gained a huge amount of cultural attention. Its...

      Why the Philippines Needs to be Your Winter Destination

      Winter is far from over! If you’re still looking for the perfect tour to sun and sand the Philippines is the perfect place to go. Take a look below to find out some of the reasons why a Philippine...

      Nov 23, 2018• by Veronika_Vermeulen

      Wellness is the next big tourism trend in New Zealand

      New Zealand has been one of the world’s leading tourism destinations for several decades now; we have sold ourselves on our beauty, our 100% Pure brand, our exhilarating and world-leading...

      What to do

      Dhampus/Australian Camp Hike

      From $90 / person
      Pokhara, Nepal
      5 hours

      More details 

      The Richtis Waterfall and North Coast day trip

      From $99 / person
      Crete, Greece
      7 hours

      More details 

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