Food in Catalonia

Travel tips What to do

      Travel tips

      May 19, 2020• by Anaseastheday

      Triple Travel Guide: Barcelona

      Welcome to another triple travel guide, dear salty souls. In this guide, I list the top three recommendations to visit, taste and to stay at. This time, it’s the turn of Barcelona. You might have...

      Nov 25, 2019• by The_Van_Taste

      A culinary day in Barcelona

      There are just a few stops on my journey which are very clear and without any doubt. Barcelona and it’s food market is one of those. Unfortunately Barcelona isn’t the safest place to stay for...

      Sep 12, 2018• by YouStylishApartments

      Barcelona's Top 4 Tourist Restaurants For You To Enjoy

      We know that an unforgettable trip is built by experiences, at YouStylish we want to make your stay memorable, that’s why our Concierge service collected a very small selected menu of places where...

      Apr 29, 2023• by Crazytravelwoman123


      Have you ever fancied going to Barcelona? My friend insisted this was our next city break but because of COVID we never got there for her 30th birthday. However two years letter we finally got there...

      Feb 25, 2023• by seniorglobetrotters

      Practical Information for Visiting Barcelona

      Barcelona was on our Bucket list forever. Finally, we made it to the first on the list. We already knew so many things about it and heard excellent impressions from many people. The plan was to...

      Nov 29, 2022• by Danny

      Amazing Things to Do in Barcelona

      Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, prides itself on being one of the most beautiful cities in all of Europe. The city is a favorite among many individuals all over the world due to its...

      What to do

      Historical Tour with a Taste of traditional Cuisine

      From $50 - $80 / person
      Cape Town, South Africa
      4 hours

      More details 

      Private Cultural Tour Nha Trang

      From $85 / person
      Nha Trang, Vietnam
      5 hours

      More details 

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