Travel tips Where to stay What to do

      Travel tips

      Jun 11, 2019• by marydesignedadventure

      Southeast Asia Visa Information

      Planning a trip around Southeast Asia? Great news!! You will have an amazing time! Southeast Asia is full of rich culture, tasty food, and generous people. If you are planning to move around to a...

      Jan 24, 2019• by routeonwheels

      Kuari Pass trekking - A journey to spiritual wisdom

      Each peaks has symbolic significance in Hindu religion..!! During the phase of trekking we had a superb view of peaks and each peaks have symbolic significance in Hindu religion. Like, Dronagiri...

      Nov 30, 2018• by Java_Private_Tour

      Tips for Safely Exploring Java Island

      "I like to be the right thing in the wrong place and the wrong thing in the right place. Being the right thing in the wrong place and the wrong thing in the right place is worth it because something...

      Nov 28, 2018• by Java_Private_Tour

      Art, Culture and History of the Old City of Jakarta

      Kota Tua Jakarta is a small area in West Jakarta and North Jakarta which has an area of 1.3 square kilometers across the road of Pinangsia, Jalan Roa Malaka and Jalan Taman Sari. because of...

      Nov 28, 2018• by Java_Private_Tour

      Mount Gede Pangrango National Park, West Java, Indonesia

      There Never Was a Boredom When Footsteps traced the same thousands of traces that had been passed, curiosity grew deeper and always wondered what new things could be found in a place that I often...

      Nov 28, 2018• by Java_Private_Tour

      Get to know more about The Island of Java

      Java is an island formed by volcanic activity, there are 45 active volcanoes on the island of Java, excluding 20 craters and small cones in the volcanic complex of Central Java dieng, and young cones...

      Where to stay

      RNV Family Guesthouse Eco-Resort

      $30 - $40 / 2 
      Batu Karas, Indonesia

      More details 

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