Staying in Bergen

Travel tips What to do

      Travel tips

      Dec 3, 2019• by chasingkimberly

      15 Paris Travel Tips: Mistakes to avoid

      I have listed the 15 Mistakes that you have to avoid when you are in Paris. We all know that Paris is a major tourist destination in Europe. Well, I can’t doubt that. Who does not want to...

      Nov 7, 2019• by thesumoftravel

      Five Easy Ways to Save Money on Accommodation

      The cost of accommodation can be an expensive part of your travels, especially if like to stay in hotels. But of all the travel categories, the cost of accommodation is the one that is the easiest to...

      Oct 8, 2019• by DynamicDenise

      Top 10 Travel Tips for Everyone

      Our top 10 travel tips are ones no traveler should leave home without. For real. To say Papa Joe and I love to travel would be a serious understatement. One of the things we enjoy most about...

      Oct 1, 2019• by bellavitaguide

      Things to Do in Florence, Italy

      There are so many things to do in Florence Italy! So I've put together this comprehensive Florence travel guide. It encompasses all of the things that one must see and do while visiting this...

      Jul 31, 2019• by Nikolas_PP

      Don't stay too close to Prague city center

      Alright, it's not a secret, Prague is getting loaded with tourists. I would be tempted to say "don't go there", but it's a beautiful and unique city. It's worth a visit. So here's what I'll say...

      Jul 14, 2019• by BlogTurS

      First Time Traveling? Check Some Details Here!

      - Provide your passport at least one month in advance; - Check the validity of the passport and visas; - When receiving tickets, check the data and services requested; - Always take a copy of your...

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