Staying in Bergen

Travel tips What to do

      Travel tips

      Dec 20, 2020• by TravelAfter5

      5 Money-Saving Ideas You Should Avoid when Traveling

      The suggestions by Travel After 5 never rest on cost alone. In fact, when doing my own researches, the terms budget or cheap have the effect of putting me off, because these usually come at the...

      Dec 16, 2020• by onanimperfectjourney

      Our Roman Holiday: 3 - 7 Day Itinerary

      Rome has a-million-and-one things to do AND, unless you plan to live there for a year, there's no way you can see all of it. So, here's my "must-do" itinerary - we did it in 3-ish days (can...

      Dec 15, 2020• by journey_junkies

      Nine Cool Things to Do in La Paz, Mexico

      La Paz – Between the Mountains and the Sea We spent a couple of weeks in La Paz, Baja at the beginning of this year and thoroughly enjoyed its relaxed vibe. The city is situated in a stunning...

      Dec 15, 2020• by Lauratheexplorer

      How to Spend 7 Nights in Morocco

      Memories of Morocco If you talk to anyone who has afforded Morocco nothing more than a day trip to Tangier, the prospect of touring around the country might not be an appealing one. But given a...

      Dec 8, 2020• by dr_chicku

      Short & Budget Trip to Kinnaur Valley

      Welcome to Dr. Chicku's tips and tricks wardrobe😃🥰 Especially for students & the one who want to travel under budget. Being a girl and a student with limited pocket money and indefinite...

      Nov 29, 2020• by nictinky

      Tips to Travel to Ecuador

      The first you need to know is which city are you going? Quito or Guayaquil. Once you decide where, then you can book an accommodation. I do recommend the hotel Radisson, Oro verde in Guayaquil, in...

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