Mar 17, 2021• by caitkontalis
5 Best Places to Eat in Miami Beach, Florida
This restaurant is hands down one of my favorite restaurants in Flordia, and in my top five in the United States. The main dining area is inside of a home, and you wouldn't even know it was a...
Mar 15, 2021• by thewanderingpro
Top Things to Do in Southern Alaska
Alaska is one of those states that is like that project you say you will always finish or get to but never actually gets done. I always hear people say how they want to visit Alaska but I know of...
Mar 15, 2021• by TravelLightLaura
Drip…. Drip…. Drip…. I am in my office, tapping keys to the rhythm of the snowmelt dripping off the roof and soaking into the saturated ground. The birds are back, too, even Mr. and Mrs...
Mar 13, 2021• by caitkontalis
Best Places to Visit in Phoenix, AZ: Desert Botanical Garden
Every time I Googled “What to do in Phoenix” the Desert Botanical Garden popped up – so I knew I had to give it a try! While the Desert Botanical Garden provided entry, all opinions are my...
Mar 8, 2021• by Denny
An Ode to New Orleans'... Food!
One of the last cities I was able to visit prior to the Covid-19 outbreak was arguably one of my favorite in the country, New Orleans, Louisiana. Arguably too, the info that I am going to share with...
Feb 19, 2021• by caitkontalis
How to Visit the Versace Mansion in Miami Beach, Florida
You don't have to be a millionaire. Miami Beach: Art Deco, beautiful people, golden sand – and Versace. If you're an American Crime story nerd you've probably watched the excellent Netflix...