Feb 27, 2018• by traveller_tommy
Take your passport with you to book transport tickets
When buying bus, train or boat tickets at the counter, some countries require you to show your passport. It is not always the case, and it is more frequent with trains and boats than buses. Take...
Feb 17, 2018• by Clem
Chiang Rai to Chiang Mai bus schedule
Bus depart from the Bus Terminal 1 (see map below). Prices are the following: VIP bus: THB258, ~2h50 1st class bus: THB166, ~3h15 2nd class bus: THB129, ~3h30
Feb 16, 2018• by Clem
Cheap transportation in France
Ouigo is a low-cost train service offering tickets departing from non-major train stations. Official website here. Blablacar.fr allows users to find car sharing rides (or propose some). Pretty...
Feb 16, 2018• by Luis78
Take a picture of your tickets and receipts!
Always take a second to take a picture of every ticket, ATM receipt, invoice, etc, when travelling (and even when not travelling after all). It can turn very useful if: You lose your ticket You...
Feb 15, 2018• by Luis78
Crossing the Georgia-Azerbaijan border by train
The night train from Tbilisi to Baku reaches the border around 2 hours after leaving Tbilisi. Then, the police gets in and collects everyone's passport. Your bag will be searched for any item...
Colombo airport to Tangalle taxi transfer