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    Travel tips

    Nov 21, 2019• by Tania

    Visiting Haw Par Villa, Singapore

    When researching things to do in Singapore before our visit this was one of the places mentioned in the Off the Beaten track itineraries. So of course it became a Must see on ours. Formerly known as...

    Nov 19, 2019• by Tania

    Singapore - a Fine City

    Singapore has a population of 5.8 million people, and hosted 18.5 million visitors during 2018. Any rational traveler would expect a certain level of litter and dirt. But not in Singapore. Singapore...

    Nov 18, 2019• by Tania

    Pulau Ubin Island, Singapore

    If you are ever in Singapore and the heat and bustle of the city threatens to overwhelm you - rest assured, you have the perfect day getaway only a short stop away. A mere 3 SGD will get you a seat...

    Nov 7, 2019• by Sunnysidetrip

    12 Hours in Singapore

    As you probably already know, if you have read our previous articles, Ale and I are lovers of long-term stops, so when it was time to book tickets to start our adventure in South East Asia, we...

    Jun 11, 2019• by marydesignedadventure

    Southeast Asia Visa Information

    Planning a trip around Southeast Asia? Great news!! You will have an amazing time! Southeast Asia is full of rich culture, tasty food, and generous people. If you are planning to move around to a...

    What is your best advice for
    traveling in Singapore?

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