Other place(s) with the same name: San Jose, California
Jul 21, 2021• by journey_junkies
A Guide to Surprising San Jose, Costa Rica
Welcome to a guide to surprising San Jose! Costa Rica is, of course, a paradise for nature lovers. Consequently, it makes sense that many people only wish to spend a minimal amount of time in the...
Oct 7, 2020• by Howlermagazine
Just Seven Days? San José Says You Can
Starting and ending your visit to Costa Rica from the country's busiest arrival and departure point, Juan Santamaría International Airport is about 20 minutes from the heart of the capital city, San...
Feb 20, 2020• by Yourtravelgoddess
Pura Vida! Yes, Let's talk Costa Rica...
Yes, Let's talk Costa Rica... Where to start? This country is so rich! Its name couldn't describe this country better. Costa Rica! Rich Coast! The land of the Ticos 😊 I love this country...
What is your best advice for
traveling in San Jose?
Beautiful Surf & Yoga Lodge in The Best Surf Spot
Beachfront Hostel in Peaceful Lush Gardens, Puerto Viejo de Talamanca