New Zealand

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    Travel tips

    Feb 22, 2019• by Afven_blog

    Top 10 Wairarapa Family Attractions

    We moved to the Wairarapa in 2017 and wanted to explore the region. We made a list of all the things we wanted to do - mix of free and affordable activities, we had plenty of fun ticking them off the...

    Feb 22, 2019• by Afven_blog

    Blenheim on a Budget

    Mum and I recently went to Blenheim for a friend's wedding. Let's start with a budget travel tip! We decided to take the ferry, rather than fly. It was cheaper and we took our car with us - plus the...

    Feb 16, 2019• by travelociro

    Complete Road Trip Guide for North Island New Zealand!

    I’m sure you’ve seen Instagram being flooded with photos of beautiful mountains, lush greenery and unbelievably blue water bodies. While it may seem enticing, it’s very easy to get overwhelmed...

    Jan 17, 2019• by Modern_Travels_Diaries

    Visiting New Zealand

    New Zealand is a country of rare beauty and landscape variety: glacial mountains, rushing rivers, clear and deep lakes, geysers and boiling mud. There are also numerous forest reserves, long deserted...

    Nov 23, 2018• by Veronika_Vermeulen

    Wellness is the next big tourism trend in New Zealand

    New Zealand has been one of the world’s leading tourism destinations for several decades now; we have sold ourselves on our beauty, our 100% Pure brand, our exhilarating and world-leading...

    What is your best advice for
    traveling in New Zealand?

    Where to stay

    Heaven's Rest B&B

    $72 - $95 / 2 
    Auckland, New Zealand
    Bed and breakfast

    More details 

    More accommodations in New Zealand

    What to do

    Tarawera and Lakes - Eco Tour

    From $60.57 / person
    Rotorua, New Zealand
    2 hours

    More details 

    Sea-Kayaking Pohatu Marine Reserve Safari

    From $56.20 / person
    Akaroa, New Zealand
    4 hours

    More details 

    More tours & activities in New Zealand

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