New York City

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    Travel tips

    Jan 24, 2020• by KiwiTalksTravel

    A Beginner's Guide To: New York City (Summer)

    New York City is by far one of my favourite cities in the world. I’ve been lucky enough to visit NYC twice; once in summer and once in winter, and both times I went, it was so surreal and...

    Jan 15, 2020• by NinaZee

    10 Best Things to Do in NYC Plus Places to Eat

    These are in no particular order but some of the my favorite things to do in NYC: It’s a great place to work out and chill. Plus, depending on the time of year, you can attend a play, go to a...

    Sep 25, 2019• by EclecticEmissary

    NY v.s. LA: Best City for a 4 Day Getaway

    Sometimes you have just enough time for a short getaway. You want to go somewhere cool but with so many options how do you decide? Why not choose between the two titans of the US, New York City or...

    Aug 15, 2019• by NatalieExplores

    The Do's and Don'ts of New York City

    If you are planning a trip to New York, there are a few do's and don'ts that may help your trip in this incredible city go by more smoothly. New York City is a LOT bigger than it appears to be...

    Aug 10, 2019• by cheapfaremart

    NYC to London: Know the Flight time, Distance and More

    If this is your maiden flight from NYC to London, you might have some questions about the trip. I have tried to answer most of the frequently asked questions. 1. London is the world’s third...

    What is your best advice for
    traveling in New York City?

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