Mountain Biking

    Travel tips

    Oct 1, 2019• by TravelLightLaura

    Ride Like a Girl - Park City, Utah

    I am a woman. I am a mountain biker. I am in a significant minority. I want to inspire more women to ride. I want the sport to grow. I want people to get outside, to be mentally and physically...

    Sep 10, 2019• by TravelLightLaura

    Michigan Mountain Biking

    Is Michigan one of the Midwest’s premier mountain bike destinations? Yes, but only if you are willing to cross the bridge to the U.P. the much wilder peninsula. The U.P. is home to two IMBA...

    Jul 17, 2019• by TravelLightLaura

    Fall for Duluth

    Michigan is often called the Great Lake state, and its residents try to selfishly hog the accolades of all five of the amazing inland seas of freshwater. The reality, Michigan is great and is...

    Jun 7, 2019• by TravelLightLaura

    In the Mitten, Bike and Beerventures

    The Holmes & Watson Beerventure quest continues. Admittedly after hitting the 100 mark, the next phase seemed daunting. Michigan craft breweries pop up like springtime morels and it seems improbable...

    What is your best advice for
    traveling in Mountain Biking?

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