Oct 2, 2020• by Gap_yearlifestyle
How to Spend a Weekend in Copenhagen
Copenhagen is an incredibly beautiful city, with a wealth of history and countless beautiful museums and palaces to visit. It also has a real foodie scene and is great for shopping! You could...
Oct 1, 2020• by travellingwithmynikon
Visiting Redcliffe, Queensland
If you just need a relaxing place to get away from the city or a family retreat to get back to nature, then the Redcliffe area is for you. The safe beaches are great for families, or you could take a...
Sep 30, 2020• by TravelandLifewithRoaz
Visiting The City of Tours (France)
During our Paris trip, we didn't get time to go for those wine tasting tours and over here we found this grandeur wine tasting festival, called Viti Loire. Tours (France) is the centre of the...
Sep 30, 2020• by lamiafinestrasulmondo
Hidden Rome: The Best Places You Don't Know
Today's journey takes us back around one of the most beautiful cities in the world, no less than my favourite city... Rome! My goal for the weekend was to reach places I still had not discovered. I...
Sep 30, 2020• by Gap_yearlifestyle
Planning (or lack of..) With the exception of a long weekend in sunny Hunstanton (Norfolk,UK), Dublin was our first solo trip together. It could have been considered a little spontaneous; a...
Sep 30, 2020• by ExploreNextDoor
Bored of Sydney? Come On Down to Wollongong
Wollongong is one of those towns that many Sydneysiders know of, but haven't spent long in. What a shame! Wollongong has a lot going for it — beautiful coastlines, scenic mountains, a fast-growing...
Colorful hostel right at the heart of Xilitla (dorms & privates)