Visiting Florida as a Family

Travel tips Where to stay What to do

      Travel tips

      Dec 11, 2018• by Brooke_Hails

      Early bookings at Walt Disney World

      Did you know that you can book a room at Walt Disney World 499 days in advance? I highly recommend booking as soon as you know you want to take a trip to Walt Disney World, but booking at least 6...

      Sep 28, 2022• by RichardK

      The Top Five Places in Florida for Bird Watching

      Like people, birds head south for the winter to enjoy the sun, the beach, and the great outdoors. The Great Florida Birding and Wildlife Trail, which stretches more than Two thousand miles across...

      Aug 2, 2022• by shughes2960

      Visiting Pensacola, Florida

      When I travel to a place I don't want to hear about the too attractions I want to know where the locals go, so here you go... I javelin been going here for 25 years... For best seafood...Joe...

      Jun 19, 2022• by gogotravelfun

      Visit Saint Augustine - the Oldest City in the US

      Saint Augustine is a city in the Southeastern United States, on the Atlantic coast of northeastern Florida. Founded in 1565 by Spanish explorers, it is the oldest continuously-inhabited...

      Mar 3, 2022• by Kudagreats

      Florida Honeymoon Travel Tips

      My tips to travel no matter where you go or who you're with, are to take a deep breath wherever you are and take in the moment. When you relax and enjoy your life's experiences everything is better...

      Jan 18, 2022• by karen_coller

      The 6 Perfect Diving Places in Florida

      Visiting the Sunshine State is a fantastic experience. From natural wonders to magical adventures, there is plenty to see and do in the Florida. But I want to tell you about most exciting diving...

      Where to stay

      Coconut Palm Suite: Downtown Paradise! Tiki Bar, Pool, Whimsical Art

      $175 - $295 / 2 
      Delray Beach, Florida, United States

      More details 

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      What to do

      Nara Cycle Tours Family Tour

      From $120 / person
      Nara, Japan
      3 hours

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