Jan 10, 2020• by The_Hellenic_Odyssey
Top 10 Things to See & Do in Santorini
Here is our list of Santorini top 10 things to see & do & must visit attractions Often, travellers wonder if they should visit this majestic island as they are concerned about it being overly...
Sep 27, 2019• by flashpackingfamily
Finding cheap flights online - be points-savvy!
We’ve spent a great deal of time researching and testing ways to get the best airfares to enable us to travel as much as we do, and we’d like to pass on some of our tips for seeking out these...
Sep 25, 2019• by flashpackingfamily
Finding cheap flights online - be flexible!
We’ve spent a great deal of time researching and testing ways to get the best airfares to enable us to travel as much as we do, and we’d like to pass on some of our tips for seeking out these...
Sep 16, 2019• by cruisingwiththefamily
4 ways to keep the kids entertained when cruising
It’s one thing to think about keeping kids entertained when flying or waiting at the airport or riding but when you are cruising you have other times when you are ‘waiting’: Waiting to board...
Sep 6, 2019• by cruisingwiththefamily
Go with the Flow or Do it Alone? Cruise Excursion tips...
Where to even start? With our In It Forever principle we talk about how the most important part to anything is the EVER. Those last four letters in the word that stand for: Experience, Value...
Aug 16, 2019• by Karmooney_and_co
Traveling with your teens: 10 tips to lower your stress
If you are like us you love to plan and take trips with your family. Sometimes that is easier said than done. When you are traveling with teens or tweens it is sometimes more difficult than when...
Whimsical Paradise; Pool, Tiki Bar, Downtown Delray Beach FL