Dec 15, 2018• by tripination
How do I get internet in Cuba?
Does Cuba have internet? Does it work like it does anywhere else too? Here you will find some information about going online on Cuba. On a trip through Cuba you will see a certain “spectacle of...
Jun 13, 2018• by Casa_Las_Tres_Naranjas
Since we have received many questions about the Cuban money situation in our guest house, we would like to share information about the two existing currencies, how to easily change money and how to...
Jun 8, 2018• by cuban_adventures
What currency is best to take to Cuba
Most foreign credit cards do not work in Cuba, so tourists generally take cash with them on their visit, at least as a back-up plan if they lose their card, or if it ends up not working. The best...
Jun 8, 2018• by cuban_adventures
How to visit Cuba as an American
Our tip is on how to make a legal trip to Cuba as an American under the current US rules. Obama made it easier for Americans to travel legally to Cuba. Trump updated these travel rules on...
May 30, 2018• by Casa_Las_Tres_Naranjas
The tip that we would like to share in this article is about how to get internet in Cuba. Since people generally in most of parts of the world are so accustomed to be connected 24/7, Cuba is a great...
What is your best advice for
traveling in Cuba?
Tour to visit an aboriginal village in Cuba & more
We invite you to take a car trip through out el Malecón
Two day car tour through two of the biosphere reserves of Western Cuba
13 travel tips
4 travel tips