Planning a Trip to Costa Rica

Travel tips Where to stay

      Travel tips

      Jun 8, 2021• by CreateMyAdventure

      Knowing Your Travel Requirements

      Travel restrictions and requirements are always changing and it's sometimes hard to keep up with what is needed and what is not. For example, American citizens used to be able to venture up to Canada...

      Jun 8, 2021• by Picture_Me_Traveling

      Travel With Confidence: Benefits of Working With a Travel Specialist

      In the age of the internet, it's easy to think that travel agents/specialists/planners (we go by many names) are as outdated as a rotary phone. You can't even talk about traveling without...

      Jun 1, 2021• by Pabby

      Solo Travel Tips

      Hello guys, Myself Prabhanjan. Below I have shared some tips to follow while travelling solo... Always go on solo trip with at least following these tips, 1. Carry very minimal number of clothes...

      May 12, 2021• by ebonytravelers

      Travel and Organization

      For the savvy traveler, planning and organizing a trip is an absolute must for a great travel experience. Numerous things can go wrong and are not in your control when you're traveling. However...

      May 5, 2021• by Picture_Me_Traveling

      Pumping on a Plane: Tips to Baby-free Traveling as a Breastfeeding Mom

      Being a breastfeeding mom while traveling for work puts you in some interesting situations. What do you do when you are on a 6-hour flight but need to pump every 4 hours? What equipment should...

      May 4, 2021• by Goparyatak

      12 Suggestions to Make Your Kerala Tour Plan a Success

      Kerala may appear as a tiny Indian state but it's a vast terrain from the tourism point of view. It is one of the pioneering states of the tourism industry in India. This southern Indian state has a...

      Where to stay

      Beachfront Hostel in Peaceful Lush Gardens, Puerto Viejo de Talamanca

      $22 - $70 / 2 
      Puerto Viejo de Talamanca, Costa Rica

      More details 

      Beautiful Surf & Yoga Lodge in The Best Surf Spot

      $69 - $162 / 2 
      Santa Teresa, Costa Rica

      More details 

      More accommodations

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