Mar 17, 2021• by WanderingMonkey
A Monkeys Travel Tips and Advice - Planet Earth
“Travellers understand, instinctively and by experience, that travel and adventure change and elongate time, even while navigating the deadlines of airline and train departures.” ― Paul...
Mar 7, 2021• by caitkontalis
10 Things to Know Before Your First Trip Overseas
You did it! You got the time-off, ticket in your inbox – and now the anxiety is kicking-in. Traveling is supposed to be a bit uncomfortable, that's why it grows us. Here are ten tips to help...
Feb 22, 2021• by ebonytravelers
Travel Is More than A Physical Journey
Many people will tell you that they want to travel and have spent years saving or planning for travel yet have not done it. Traveling is more than a physical journey; it takes a lot more mental...
Jan 21, 2021• by suetravels
When I tell people I'm travelling, usually solo, the stock response is 'Aren't you brave'? I first travelled on my own, to Germany, on the train, when I was 15, so you might say I'm used to it. But...
Jan 21, 2021• by ebonytravelers
Group Travel: Choosing Travel Partners
Before Covid, there were tons of fun awesome looking pictures of group travel and I'm sure many were tempted and inspired to put a travel group together. I spoke on an earlier blog about travel...
Jan 17, 2021• by BigGayPugliaPodcast
Puglia Know How | Planning Your Holiday in Puglia
Benvenuti in Puglia - welcome to Puglia Puglia is a diverse region. Geographically as well as culturally. From rugged, to green and glorious. With olive groves stretching all the way to the...
Beautiful Surf & Yoga Lodge in The Best Surf Spot