Planning a Trip to Costa Rica

Travel tips Where to stay

      Travel tips

      Mar 17, 2021• by WanderingMonkey

      A Monkeys Travel Tips and Advice - Planet Earth

      “Travellers understand, instinctively and by experience, that travel and adventure change and elongate time, even while navigating the deadlines of airline and train departures.” ― Paul...

      Mar 7, 2021• by caitkontalis

      10 Things to Know Before Your First Trip Overseas

      You did it! You got the time-off, ticket in your inbox – and now the anxiety is kicking-in. Traveling is supposed to be a bit uncomfortable, that's why it grows us. Here are ten tips to help...

      Feb 22, 2021• by ebonytravelers

      Travel Is More than A Physical Journey

      Many people will tell you that they want to travel and have spent years saving or planning for travel yet have not done it. Traveling is more than a physical journey; it takes a lot more mental...

      Jan 21, 2021• by suetravels

      Travelling Solo Safely

      When I tell people I'm travelling, usually solo, the stock response is 'Aren't you brave'? I first travelled on my own, to Germany, on the train, when I was 15, so you might say I'm used to it. But...

      Jan 21, 2021• by ebonytravelers

      Group Travel: Choosing Travel Partners

      Before Covid, there were tons of fun awesome looking pictures of group travel and I'm sure many were tempted and inspired to put a travel group together. I spoke on an earlier blog about travel...

      Jan 17, 2021• by BigGayPugliaPodcast

      Puglia Know How | Planning Your Holiday in Puglia

      Benvenuti in Puglia - welcome to Puglia Puglia is a diverse region. Geographically as well as culturally. From rugged, to green and glorious. With olive groves stretching all the way to the...

      Where to stay

      Spacious Superior Mixed Dorm in La Fortuna

      $40 - $42 / 2 
      La Fortuna, Costa Rica

      More details 

      Beautiful Surf & Yoga Lodge in The Best Surf Spot

      $69 - $162 / 2 
      Santa Teresa, Costa Rica

      More details 

      More accommodations

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