Jan 29, 2019• by Bigaltravelcompanion
Money Saving For Your Travel Plan in Hong Kong
Optopus Card is extremely useful in most transportation in Hong Kong. You can nearly get on board every transportation everywhere in no troubles and quick without spending cash and worrying about...
Jan 26, 2019• by jessica
Where to stay in Mui Ne, Vietnam for $16 a day
Mui Ne, Vietnam is a bustling little touristy area with no shortage of restaurants, bars, convenience stores, and seafood. Downtown Mui Ne is divided in two- the ocean side of the road, and the...
Jan 25, 2019• by weporai
Living on $50 a day: Mexico City
If traveling has been a dream but seems a little unaccessible or out of reach, Bia and myself (Alex) are here to bring a confidence boost and reminder that anyone can make it happen. From booking...
Jan 16, 2019• by Luttitravels
2 Alternatives to the Eiffel Tower for a great view of Paris
So usually when people come to Paris, the one thing that they usually must to is to go up the Eiffel Tower. Yes, the Eiffel Tower offers a great view of Paris, but I think that the price to get up...
Dec 20, 2018• by Budget_Breaks_Blog
10 Ways to See More when you're Traveling on a Budget
Booking websites like Skyscanner have a search “Everywhere” option. You can see the cheapest flights from your location to anywhere in the world. You may well find a destination you hadn't...
Dec 11, 2018• by CostaRicaTEFL
5 Ways to Live in Costa Rica on a Budget
Have you always dreamed of moving to a foreign paradise and leaving your old life behind? I’d be willing to bet that if you have, money (or lack thereof) is holding you back. I’m here to tell you...
Forget your typical B&B, the luxury VILLA that's right for you!