
    Travel tips

    Oct 2, 2019• by Come2Borneo

    Adventures in Tanjung Puting National Park

    Indonesia has thousands of islands, each and every one with their own charm, their own identity and their own culture. To recommend one specific place in this enormous country is almost impossible...

    Jan 26, 2019• by Out_and_about

    Bako National Park – Natural juwel

    Bako National Park is with 27 km² the smallest and the oldest national park Sarawaks. It is located on a peninsula one hour north of Kuching and is definitely worth a visit. Fauna, Flora...

    Aug 6, 2018• by Daniel_Levoho

    Going from Kuching (Sarawak) to Belaga

    Belaga is the remotest little town of Sarawak along the Rejang river. You have a few ways to get to Belaga from Kuching, the capital city of Sarawak, as a gate way into our country. Take a express...

    What is your best advice for
    traveling in Borneo?

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