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      Travel tips

      Oct 5, 2020• by Lauratheexplorer

      A Weekend in Three Cliffs Bay, South Wales (UK)

      Wales is renowned for its wet weather, with torrential rain a typical feature of any Welsh camping trip. For this reason, planning a holiday to the Welsh coast is a somewhat risky venture. I have to...

      Oct 1, 2020• by travellingwithmynikon

      Visiting Redcliffe, Queensland

      If you just need a relaxing place to get away from the city or a family retreat to get back to nature, then the Redcliffe area is for you. The safe beaches are great for families, or you could take a...

      Sep 30, 2020• by ExploreNextDoor

      Bored of Sydney? Come On Down to Wollongong

      Wollongong is one of those towns that many Sydneysiders know of, but haven't spent long in. What a shame! Wollongong has a lot going for it — beautiful coastlines, scenic mountains, a fast-growing...

      Sep 26, 2020• by Howlermagazine

      Only One Week? Liberia Lets You Do It

      Planning a trip to the western side of Costa Rica? After landing at Liberia's Daniel Oduber Quirós International Airport, there is no shortage of variety for those seeking relaxation, adventure...

      Sep 25, 2020• by Tanyab_07

      Puerto Galera - a Beach Destination for Scuba Diving in The Philippines

      One of the most beautiful and eye-catching bays in the world' is situated in the Philippines which is well known to comprise more than 7000 islands out of which only 2000 are inhabited. After...

      Sep 10, 2020• by Tapas_Wanderlust

      Puri: Sea, Sand Art, and Sun Temple

      Sea, Shreekhestra, Sand, Sand Art, Sun, and Sun Temple—this interesting recipe is predominantly found at a tourist cauldron in the eastern coastal town of Puri, India. The mix of history...

      Where to stay

      Salgados Beach Villas

      $225 - $650 / 2 
      Albufeira, Portugal

      More details 

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