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      Travel tips

      Feb 2, 2021• by thewanderingpen18

      River Rafting in Rishikesh or Kolad? Let Me Help You Pick!

      You could call me the textbook definition of an adventure junkie and a water baby. Anything to do with a kick of adrenaline, I'm in. Add a sea, river, lake or anything in between to this...

      Jan 5, 2021• by journey_junkies

      Rishikesh, India - Yoga Capital of the World

      Located on the banks of the sacred River Ganges, Rishikesh is known as the yoga capital of the world. Indeed, there is even a train named the Yoga Express which chugs its way from Delhi to...

      Sep 16, 2020• by michael_fuquar

      Fun Things When Sailing Around Komodo

      Komodo National Park in East Nusa, the home to the endangered Komodo dragons, offers plenty of exciting activities for outdoor lovers. The Indonesian National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage with...

      Aug 17, 2020• by RNV_GH

      Surfing in Batukaras, West Java, Indonesia

      Batukaras in West Java / Indonesia is one of the best longboard wave in the world, and also a perfect beginner place. Hereunder some informations about the spots outthere. Long sandy bottom...

      Jun 18, 2020• by DouceurTerrestre

      Being a Traveler in Bali: How Travelers Are Perceived and Why

      Bali is one of the most popular places to visit nowadays, especially if you are visiting Australia or a nearby country. It's considered as a paradise for tourists from all over the world. Indeed, as...

      Jun 13, 2020• by WanderSonder

      One Month Backpacking Indonesia! From East Java to Bali

      In May 2018, my two friends and I jumped right into our very first overseas journey. Our destination was Indonesia, specifically the islands of Java and Bali and we planned to stay for four...

      Where to stay

      RNV Family Guesthouse Eco-Resort

      $30 - $40 / 2 
      Batu Karas, Indonesia

      More details 

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