Travel tips Where to stay What to do

      Travel tips

      Apr 6, 2019• by echoeartheffect

      6 tips you need to know before visiting Thailand

      The 'Land of Smiles' is a wonderful country which brings in thousands of happy travellers every year. I wanted to share some need-to-know tips that I wish I knew before visiting the country for...

      Mar 7, 2019• by FloridaFamilyFunTravel

      FloridaFamilyFunTravel Visits NaplesZoo at Caribbean Gardens

      If you're planning a trip to Naples, Florida make sure you take the time to visit the Naples Zoo at Caribbean Gardens located at 1590 Goodlette-Frank Road. The zoo is very family friendly and has...

      Jan 26, 2019• by Out_and_about

      Bako National Park – Natural juwel

      Bako National Park is with 27 km² the smallest and the oldest national park Sarawaks. It is located on a peninsula one hour north of Kuching and is definitely worth a visit. Fauna, Flora...

      The Four Essential Must-Visit Places in Palawan

      When traveling, oftentimes there are so many things to see but too little time to see it all. This is especially true in Palawan in the Philippines as there are so many beautiful sanctuaries, islands...

      Sep 28, 2018• by lori

      5 Tips for Ethical Travel

      Ethical travel is simply being aware of your choices and the impact you are making when you travel. Ethical travel can be anything from eating and buying locally to being conscious of what...

      Aug 6, 2018• by Sharad_Kumar_Vats

      Tiger safaris in India

      India is home to over two-third population of the Tigers in the wild. Apart from Tigers, India is also home to Asian Elephants, Asiatic Lions, Snow Leopards, One Horned Rhinos, Wild Dogs, Brown...

      Where to stay

      RNV Family Guesthouse Eco-Resort

      $30 - $40 / 2 
      Batu Karas, Indonesia

      More details 

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