I am a huge proponent for (almost) always only bringing a carry-on flight. A lot of folks tell me “I just can't do that!” and I'm here to tell you that you can.

Photo by Erol Ahmed on Unsplash
Bring a scarf
A nice infinity scarf goes a long way on travels. You can use it to dress up any outfit, keep warm, and for women to cover their heads when entering particularly holy destinations.
Travel Size Febreze
It can be daunting going on a trip not knowing if you have access to laundry. I have no problem washing my clothes in the sink and then hang drying, but that isn't for everyone. I recommend bringing a travel size Febreze to squirt on your clothes for a quick refresh — and cut out bringing extra space-filling clothes.
Repeat Outfits
If you are someone who feels like “just nothing looks good on me” then pick five of your favorite outfits. When traveling you want to feel comfortable and confident, otherwise, you may spend the day adjusting your shirt collar or skirt. Its easier to pack less with things you know you are happy in, than a bunch of things for every possible occasion that you won't like wearing.
You Can Find It There
In the rare situation that you find yourself needing an outfit that you don't have with you — you can find it there. If you're new to traveling remember: people live like you all over the world. You can find that extra pair of shoes or a red dress. In fact, it can be more fun to pack less and purchase clothing items from a local shop or market at your destination.
If you are journeying to a remote area that may not have large shopping centers, I suggest considering your itinerary while packing. But I can't really imagine what you would need that you haven't planned for…