Melk Abby from across the street from the Chinese restaurant
When we travel, and we have done a lot of that, we always head for local food at meal time, until we tire of it. We find that after 7-10 days of eating somebody else's food, we need a break for home style cooking which is either an American style hamburger (hard to find in the EU) or Chinese food, which is ubiquitous in the USA. On one of our approximately 37 trips to Austria, a break from Austrian cuisine was needed in Melk, and I found an outstanding Chinese restaurant at the China-Restaurant Wok In Kremser Str. 7, 3390 Melk, Österreich (simple directions: its at the end of the main street that comes down from the Melk Abby parking lot through the town square, or walk down the steps. It is directly across the river bank road facing the Danube, the closet restaurant to where the river cruise ships dock.
Seated at a small table next to large table that looked to be occupied by most of the Chinese in Europe, I eavesdropped on what the Chinese customers at an Austrian Chinese restaurant were ordering, and ordered the same, thereby getting an outstanding Chinese meal. It is also important to note that Austrian dunkle bier (dark beer) is an excellent drink with Chinese food, way better than all the tea in China.
The Abby Church at Melk rivals Zion National Park as our favorite tourist destination in the world. Been to Melk at least 17 times, and expect to go back to see the church and to eat at the China-Restaurant Wok In, Kremser Str. 7, 3390 Melk, Österreich

Abby at Melk