We recently spent three months in Grenada, and one of our very favorite experiences there was the Underwater Sculpture Park in St. George's. The incredible sculptures, created by British artist Jason deCairres Taylor, are absolutely beautiful, haunting and evocative. Cast with love from local Grenadians, the life-size figures serve as both thought-provoking art and a practical conservation measure-- the concrete and re-bar creations create an artificial reef with lots of coral growth that has become a home to wonderful marine life; we saw rays and a wide variety of fish.
The sculptures are scattered throughout the Molinere Beauséjour Marine Protected Area, a small bay very close to the capital city of St. George's. We drove our dinghy there and tied up in a mooring, but there are lots of touring companies that you can arrange to take you and that can point you in the direction of where the sculptures are located. (Although we preferred just to explore and try to find them on our own!) Many people use diving gear to explore the sculptures; we simply used our snorkels. We swam down to observe the sculptures closely, but they are easily viewed from the surface with a diving mask. It was an unforgettable, unique experience.

Just one of the gang