Vegan Brunch in Strasbourg - Bistrot et Chocolat
Less that 3% of the french population is vegetarian, and probably around 0.5% is vegan. The traditional french cuisine is mainly cooked with meat, fishes, eggs and dairies. When you are travelling in France, it might sometimes be difficult to find vegetarian or vegan food. Here are some tips to help you :
In addition to the international website HappyCow, you can use the french app / website VegoResto. With this app, you can find more than 1000 restaurants that offer a vegan starter, main dish and dessert.
If you want to eat in a restaurant that is not listed on the apps you can ask the waiter if the plates listed on the menu is :
* Without meat, fish : Sans viande, poisson
* Without eggs, dairy, honey : Sans oeufs, produits laitiers, miel
If you want to cook your own food, you can easily find all the usual vegan ingredients in organic supermarkets like Naturalia, La Vie Claire, Biocbon or Biocoop. You will find all kinds of tofu, tempeh, seitan and fresh vegetables, legumes and grains.
You can also find many meat substitutes in big supermarkets like Casino, Super U, Monoprix. They generally have at least a little alley dedicated to vegan and vegetarian meals.