It’s one thing to think about keeping kids entertained when flying or waiting at the airport or riding but when you are cruising you have other times when you are ‘waiting’:
Waiting to board ship, waiting during the muster drill, waiting during meals, waiting for shows to start, waiting for the kids club to open, waiting for excursions or tenders, and of course waiting for mom to finish getting ready for dinner!
Here are 4 Ways to keep them entertained:
1. Have a great packing list.
2. Pre-Shopping
3. Visit your library
I have come to learn that if someone complains because my kid is causing a scene or fit, it’s their problem. Clearly, I will remove them if it warrants and discipline as necessary. We also know we can plan ahead and try to avoid anything negative happening. We go for #4 almost all the time. My parents have given our kids travel Tic Tac Toe and Hangman and they love it! It’s super easy to carry and it doesn’t get old! You can also just pack pen and paper and play both! Bring binoculars for when you dine in the buffet area. It is tons of fun to sit near the window and look through them to find flying fish! And we’ve found tons of them and even pointed them out to others who had no idea!
Since I have a 7 year old girl she is into “hand shakes” as she calls them. So for instance, Miss Mary Mack or for those who are closer in age to me we used to call it Miss Suzie we do these while waiting in line and it teaches them to whisper as well. Lastly, pack some snacks. It’s not quite ‘old school’ and you may be thinking why would I do that when I’m cruising? I mean isn’t’ there food available all the time? While there are quite a bunch of food options it’s not always available and it’s not all SNACKY food either. So look at the packing list we gave you a ton of examples. To read more about this topic feel free to visit our site.

keeping them entertained!