In old days of Hong Kong, the villagers in a Hakka village called Tai Hang in the proximity of Causeway Bay lived a good life. Suddenly, a serpent invaded the village and performed its evil deeds. Its deeds angered the villagers. Finally, it got what it deserves and justice was done. The dead body was found disappeared in the next day and plague followed the disappearance. The villagers pleaded to heaven and asked for help. They received an instruction from heaven to perform Fire Dragon Dance around the village and the plague had gone. Problems solved and traditions continue.
Fire Dragon Dance which is held between 23 September and 25 September each year in Causeway Bay (the date would be changed because the performance of Fire Dragon Dance varies with Chinese Lunar Calendar). You can either contact them by landline (+852 2577 2649) or visit their website for more details. The time of the event held around 08:15 p.m.
Getting a whole journey into the culture of Tai Hang Fire Dragon is not an easy task. It requires good time management. From seeing its unburned head to its last dance. The best spot for catching up with Mr Fire Dragon when it is unburned is at the side street opposite Jones Street, Causeway Bay. Give yourself more time gaining the best spot at Wu Sha Street to take photographs and videos in a closer look. Wu Sha Street is just located opposite to Fire Dragon Path which displays information about the event of Tai Hang (Big Nullah) Fire Dragon and the history of the location. Check out for the correct time and place with the relevant organisation and you won’t miss out anything.
Apart from Tai Han Fire Dragon, Queen’s College is just next to Fire Dragon Path. There is a cannon sitting at the grassland of the school's premise located at 120 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay. There is a museum called Queen's College Museum which is inside the college. Please make an enquiry whether it is opened to the public as I have never been there.
Tai Han Fire Dragon Dance