If you have traveled alone, you'd know what I mean. If you want to travel alone, well my dear reader, you will find out how strong, capable and valuable you are.
I went to Egypt last year, I was there for 6 months and I lived everything you could imagine.
I'm 20 years old and I still live with my mamma so I didn't know how to cook (and actually I still don't know) but I learned the basics (cut some vegetables, boil water and add some pasta haha, C'est délicieux). So my first tip is "Learn to do something at the kitchen, more than wash your dishes", anything, rice, chicken, salads. Trust me, that will help you to be healthy while you're far from home. But in Egypt's case, it's better to be careful with the things you can find.
And that's related with my second tip. READ, read a lot but please don't follow only the bad comments, search videos, testimonies from other travelers, if the place has seasons, which kind of street food they have, their diet. For example, in every single part of Egypt, you will find CHICKEN, and all kinds, fried, grilled (my fav.) but also they have plenty of vegetables, and they have Falafel, delicious, precious and cheap (This small ball saved my life a looooot of times)
Cheap, that's an interesting word in Egypt. Everything seems cheap when you first arrive to the city, but not the airport, NEVER is cheap inside airports. Anyways, everything seems cheaper with a currency convert BUT don't waste too much in the first week. Trust me, you will regret. In my first two weeks I spent more than 6.000 EGP, and in the next month I survived with less than that, like 5.000 EGP. And I didn't have an apartment the first week, but the next month I paid services (water, gas etc) I paid the rent, the landlord, and so on. Please be careful. It's hard, specially if you have a budget. You don't want to suffer the next 5 months because you don't have enough money for traveling or even food.
And here comes my favorite part. Travel. Travel. Travel. Sorry I LOVE that word. It's like Freedom. They sound perfect. In Egypt there is too much to explore. Too much history and culture and it's pretty easy to travel from north to south, it's a long way but it worth every hour, every pound and every back pain (yes, a lot, a lot of that). My favorite trip was the largest and hardest. It was a cruise to ASWAN and LUXOR. Guys, literally I cried (and it was my perfect 20th birthday present) I found perfect temples, magnificent statues, hieroglyphics and impressive stories.

Karnak Temple
But my favorite memory was the time I have the opportunity to ride A CAMEL, a real one, They are cute and they like to pose when your camera does "click". But it's sad the fact that some egyptians, owners of the camels, treat them bad, so my personal (very personal) advice is that if you want to bargaing the price of the hole ride, do it. But take into account that with the money you are paying, they can feed the camel and earn some decent money, sooo don't put the bargaing too low. (Remember personal very personal advice). Now here are some nice camels

Cute egyptian camel
Also the act of riding a camel is an adventure, is really hard at the beggining and really scary at the end, but it worth everything.

The owner, the camel and me
And I can't leave you, dear reader, without mentioning the best, one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen, the Pyramids. Egypt is the country with more pyramids in the world (yeah, there are more than three) You can find the oldest, the biggest, the cutest, the weirdest, and that's the magic in Egypt. You find history and sand in the same place. My tip in this case, and is going to be the last, is ENJOY! Enjoy the bad, the good, the normal stuff because that will keep you alive and you will grow, you will learn and you will fall in love with this place. Let the place let something in your life.

Giza Pyramids
One more thing, there are more places that I want to share with you, so let me know if you want more tips.