Outdoor Ethics
(A wanderer knows the path)
- Mahabharata, Adi-parva 133-23
Our most ancient historical texts support our every modern approach for self-development. Be it our Rishis or Yogis or Tapasvis, all have wandered in difficult outdoors to master themselves in different knowledge and skills.
Outdoors is astonishing, thrilling and challenging. Only those who have learnt to manage outdoor challenges may fully enjoy it. There is a common believe among people having a sedentary and luxury lifestyle that the outdoors is far, foreign, and uncomfortable. A sedentary or luxury lifestyle will never give you the thrill and fun that you will get while wandering outdoors.
Outdoors is important for everyone, be it an individual, an Engineer, a Manager, a Politicians, an, Advocate, a Doctor or any other professional to improve their knowledge and enhance expertise in their domain. Outdoors boost our mental, moral, and physical abilities. Going outdoors is not a luxury, it is a need of every human being. Mistaken assumption that going outdoors is just for fun and is a wastage of time, energy and money does not have any scientific or historical value for mankind.
We should know our responsibilities when enjoying outdoors, and the first and most important responsibilities is the preservation of outdoor experience for others. While wandering outdoors, we should practice protection of our environment (the Earth/ nature) so that outdoor experience can be preserved for all. Let everyone enjoy the beauty of the mother Earth with thanks.
गिरयस्ते पर्वता हिमवन्तोऽरण्यं ते पृथिवि स्योनमस्तु ।
बभ्रुं कृष्णां रोहिणीं विश्वरूपां ध्रुवां भूमिं पृथिवीमिन्द्रगुप्ताम् ।
अजीतेऽहतो अक्षतोऽध्यष्ठां पृथिवीमहम् ॥
-Atharva Veda 12.1.11
O Mother Earth, May Your Hills and Snow-Clad Mountains spread its coolness within us); May Your Forests spread its delight within us. You present a Vishwarupa with Your many colours - Brown (of mountains, Blue (of rivers), Red (of flowers); but behind all these enchanting appearances) O Mother Earth, You are firm; and You are protected by Indra. On Your firm foundation, which is Unconquered, Unslayed and Unbroken Whole, I stand firm.