What does this destination offer you?
Did you know that two world renowned figures were locked up at this place in colonial era? You will find the answer once you are there! In my opinion, the Mango Tree standing in front of the pubs speak a very interesting story! If you cannot locate it, there is a help centre right there for you! There is an interesting story to tell about this place too! If you have a chance, I would suggest a free "Tai Kwun Gudied Tours" which gives you a deeper touch of history journey into Former Central Police Station! Besides,there are two new buildings established for art performance and exhibition. All in all, Former Central Police Headquater plays a significant role in the policing history of Hong Kong.

Former Central Police Station (Tai Kwun)
How to get there?
I have two suggestions: (1) Taking Star Ferry and set you foot on Central Pier and have a long walk on the bridge about 30 minutes to your destination. Then you will find an escalator at the end of the bridge on your right which will lead you down to Central MTR Station on your left after your escalator ride. You will enter Central MTR Exit A. The MTR exit we need is D1.

How to get there
(2) MTR is the most convenient way coz we do not need a long walk on the bridge. After Central MTR Exit D1, turn right on Pedder Street after the MTR exit and then turn right on Queen's Road Central when we see a crossing point. After our right turn, we will see Wyndham Street that would lead to The Foreign Correspondents’ Club and Fringe Club. They are landmarks and tourist attractions in Hong Kong. We will skip that for the moment. Another famous street is D'Aguilar Street leading to Lan Kwai Fong where pubs and clubbing are there! We will skip this too (though a lot of temptations) After 15 minutes walk approximately and we will reach Pottinger Street. That's the first checkpoint we are looking for! The second checkpoint is Wellington Street. We will walk pass that. The final checkpoint is a pub besides Hollywood Road. When we cross Hollywood Road, we will see Former Police Headquarter (Tai Kwun).

How to get there
Final Words
No admmission fee is charged on your visit. There are pubs and bars on the spot so you can relax with some beers and wines without going outside of the place. Guided tours are available at specific time. Please check their offical website for more details. You may contact them for more information. Also, just want to mention that a booking is required with Facebook or online registration for both guided tour and admission. Hope you have a wonderful day!

Finally there!