How to visit Brussels in one day!

By GlobeWatchers | Feb 10, 2019
Europe > Belgium > Brussels

Hi readers!

FINALLY! It was about time that the Globe Watchers were back on the road. This time, we chose Brussels. Why Brussels? We are from Belgium and we would like to show you that our country is worth visiting. So why not start in our own capital then?

Tourists in our own country!

We started our day at The Atomium. It’s THE landmark of Belgium. It’s a construction of 9 balls (no idea why they chose balls, but they're huge), which represent the 9 provinces of Belgium. You can even visit 5 of the 9 balls! Also, the view from there is spectacular!

Next to the Atomium, you can find Mini-Europe. For only 15 euros, you can travel through Europe! (Figuratively speaking, ofcourse). In Mini-Europe, you can see all the famous, most known buildings of Europe. Think of The Big Ben, The Tower of Pisa, The Arc de Triomphe, The Eifel Tower and many more!

trying, and failing!

trying, and failing!

We continued our road and we went to the Royal Palace. The castle is gorgeous! (Aren’t all castles gorgeous?) Did you know that the little flag above the castle has a meaning? If the flag is hanging above the castle, it means that the king is somewhere in Belgium. If the flag isn’t visible, it means that the king is abroad. As you can see on the picture, the flag was visible (Maybe the King saw me posing in front of this house‼).

After my enthusiasm of the castle, we went to ‘Le Botanique’. It’s a beautiful concert hall in the middle of the city. The view on the inside is spectacular and the surroundings are amazing! After this, it was time to visit The European District (sounds a bit serious, right?). All the buildings you see there, are filled with European Councils, European chambers and everything that has to do with Europe. It's quite fun to go there and to see all the fancy buildings.

If you look through the buildings in the European District, you can see a beautiful gate. This gate is the entrance of the Jubel Parc. It’s a beautiful parc in the middle of Brussels!

Next, we were finally on our way to find some lunch (It was about time). And ofcouse, you can’t be in Belgium without eating our Belgian specialty: BELGIAN FRIES. They are gold, gorgeous, tasty and delicious at the same time (Is your mouth watering as well, or is it just mine?).

After a quick look at the ‘Kunstberg’, we went to another famous landmark of Belgium: Manneke Pis! Basically, it’s just a little man… peeing (no, I didn’t make a typing error… We really have a little man peeing as a monument). It even goes further than that! Next to a little man peeing, we also have a female version ‘Jeanneke Pis’ and a dog version ‘Het Zinneke’. A whole (peeing) family in Brussels (but all located in a different place, privacy you know).

To come back on the Belgium food, our country has two more specialities! BELGIAN CHOCOLATE AND BRUSSELS WAFFLES. So beware: if you come to Belgium, your meals will contain fries, chocolate and waffles (thumbs up for healthy eating).

The next locations of our walk through Brussels: Le Grand Place (the central square of Brussels), Galeries Royales St. Hubert (Ladies, the place to be for shopping!) and The Comic Book Route (*Painted wall*s in almost every street of Brussels!).

As you know, Globe Watchers went to China this summer. We really wanted to come back in the atmosphere of the Chinese world. So, we went to a Chinese restaurant to end our day! After a lovely and delicious dinner, we stopped by the Atomium. In the dark, the atomium is even more beautiful!

We filmed and visited everything in just one day. So, visiting our capital in one day? CHECK!

If you’re planning a trip to Brussels and you have some questions about it, you can always mail us or contact us!

See you in the next tip!


Mini-Europe Europe Atomium Belgium Brussels City Day Trip

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Written by GlobeWatchers
Hi! We are Globe Watchers 🌎 A couple passioned about traveling and making videos and blogs. We travel to different destinations to make incredible videos or just to find some tips for you guys! Feel free to connect with us on social! We would love to see other vloggers and bloggers as well. Curious about what we do? Stay connected on social media!

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